A few thoughts from our founder

Every major issue has more than a single cause or a narrative

In every conflict there are, at least, two competing narratives that deny each other’s legitimacy. More often than not, the truth is buried amongst both narratives

Maintaining balance is maintaining justice

Commonly in conflicts either one side is—or all sides are—outraged into transgressions beyond the boundaries of ethics and international laws. In such cases, certain confidence-building measures might be necessary to bring all into equal footings.

With every hardship, comes ease

Before post conflict analysis and recommendations, parties shall be encouraged to identify core lessons from the ongoing experience- how it impacted their humanity, blurred their vision and led them into a dead-end. Only then can each take steps to positive changes, dialogue, peace and coexistence

We can feasibly attain the goodness that we sincerely aspire and commit to

Parties that come together in good faith achieve great heights of justice

On matters of great importance, thoughts matter very much

A bad strategy is worse than no strategy. The former can make a bad situation worse. It can ruin potential opportunities or create a new disaster

Ego has no place in matters of collective good or mutual interest

Tame or restrain

Critical-thinking is in short supply and the tendency of extremism is high

In most cases, violent extremism is fueled by festered grievances or the exploitation of legitimate grievances